Tips for Running a Successful Board Meeting

A successful board meeting, whether in person or online, requires careful planning and attentiveness. It’s also crucial to establish an environment that is productive for your meetings that helps participants engage in healthy debate and develop new insights.

The board chair (typically the president or community association manager) is the person who will be in charge of the board meetings. In each item on the agenda, give every board member the chance to voice their views, ask questions or raise concerns, and then take an opportunity to vote on the outcome of that item. This will avoid any confusion in the future regarding the items that were discussed, voted on, and finally ratified by the boardroom.

Clearly identify the end goal of each item

Make sure to provide an explanation of what each agenda item is designed to accomplish prior to the meeting. This helps avoid confusing discussions or taking up time. It’s also helpful to include an option for each item indicating whether it’s meant to provide information, help or reach a conclusion.

Don’t be rushed into making a decision

Many boards feel the need to make decisions quickly in order to appease upset homeowners or avoid dragging out an issue that might go away by itself but it only sets back your board and the community. Besides, rushed decisions are often not executed well and often lack the necessary advice from experts.

Examine Your Meetings at a Minimum Once a Year